基于snmp 源代码_指导和网络-基于开放源代码参与的我的策略
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基于snmp 源代码

by Judy Gichoya, MD

医学博士朱迪·吉乔亚(Judy Gichoya)

指导和人际网络-基于开放源代码参与的我的策略 (Mentorship and Networking — My strategy based on open source involvement)

My first year of medical school was in 2003, a time when caring for HIV/AIDS patients was difficult due to lack of antiretrovirals (ARVs). Now as every medical student knows, the excitement of getting to the clinical rotations is unparalleled… walking down the inpatient halls with a stethoscope around your neck , taking care of you ‘own’ patients are among the joys of a young medical student.

我上医学院的第一年是2003年,当时由于缺乏抗逆转录病毒药物(ARV),很难照顾HIV / AIDS患者。 现在,每个医学生都知道,进入临床轮换的兴奋是无与伦比的……带着听诊器在脖子上沿着住院大厅走,照顾自己的患者,这是年轻医学生的乐趣。

However, my dreams were crashed pretty fast — I spent more time chasing after lab results that were lost. But in typical Judy style of being at the right place at the right time, I connected with Ben Wolfe (the first developer for — the largest open source medical records system in the world used in over 40 countries) and the rest is history.

但是,我的梦想很快就崩溃了–我花了更多时间追寻丢失的实验室结果。 但是,以典型的朱迪风格(在适当的时间在正确的位置),我与Ben Wolfe( 的第一个开发人员—在40多个国家/地区使用的世界上最大的开源医疗记录系统)建立了联系,其余就是历史。

I could tell that Ben was wondering when the only girl in his class would drop off, but those 4 pm hands on meetings proved to be one of the most valuable investments of my time……


Fast forward — and now I have worked in health open source software for many years as a developer, implementer, and evaluator — traveling around the world and making friends whose purpose is to improve patient care in places with limited resources. Nonetheless , I am not one to command a room when I walk in — I am soft spoken, and as most Americans will be quick to remind me “Where is your accent from ?” and a woman of color.

向前迈进-现在,我作为开发人员,实施人员和评估人员从事健康开源软件开发工作多年-环游世界并结识朋友,其目的是在资源有限的地方改善患者的护理。 但是,走进来时,我不是指挥房间的人-我的语言很温和,因为大多数美国人会很快提醒我“您的口音来自哪里?” 和一个有色女人。

However I am still able to connect to people doing amazing work, most of whom have let me sit on their shoulders and opened innumerable opportunities for this village girl. In summarizing how I network, I realized my strategy is the open source way — I volunteer to maintain an open source radiology imaging system at , and share my experience below. I hope this article helps both mentors and mentees looking to make a difference for diversity in STEM and medicine.

但是,我仍然能够与做出色工作的人们保持联系,其中大多数人让我坐在他们的肩膀上,并为这个乡村女孩打开了无数的机会。 总结我的网络方式后,我意识到我的策略是开源方式–我自愿在上维护开源放射成像系统,并在下面分享我的经验。 我希望本文能帮助寻求改变STEM和医学多样性的导师和受训者。

1.欢迎来到社区 (1. Welcome to the community)

At LibreHealth, the first post we encourage our new members to write is a short blob about themselves. I check this every other day and give a thumbs up to new members or a like for a new post to send a message that someone saw their message.

在LibreHealth,我们鼓励我们的新成员写的第一篇文章只是关于自己的简短介绍。 我每隔一天检查一次,并向新成员或类似人员竖起大拇指以发送新帖子,以发送有人看到了他们的消息的消息。

How can you introduce STEM to minorities? By sharing your social capital — even with simple things like retweets and tags of people who are doing amazing work if you have a big social media presence. Remember most minorities will be shy to propose themselves for award nominations — so give them a shout out for things like the open source award or the awards… Don’t forget to introduce yourself to someone new and break out of your social circle — especially at conferences.

您如何向少数族裔介绍STEM? 通过分享您的社交资本-即使是简单的事情,例如转推和标记,如果您在社交媒体上占有很大份额,他们也会做得很棒。 请记住,大多数少数民族都会羞于提出自己的提名提名,因此请他们大声疾呼,例如开源大奖或大奖……别忘了向新朋友介绍自己并摆脱社交圈-特别是在会议上。

2.建立社区-我如何做 (2. Building a community — How I do it)

The challenge of building a radiology information system (RIS) which is is not directly used by patients but by doctors is that your consumer/customer pool is small. With a personal motto of “ people before code” , I work to build a community before focusing on the developer stuff.

建立不是由患者而是由医生直接使用的放射学信息系统(RIS)的挑战在于,您的消费者/客户群很小。 我本着“代码优先于人”的个人座右铭,在专注于开发人员之前,致力于建立一个社区。

For you as a mentee …Build your network before you need it

作为您的指导者…… 在需要之前建立网络

In my open source journey this means stalking people using Google — I will start by searching “radiology” + “ Congo” and keep reading on people and organizations working in these countries — connecting with them on Linkedln and Twitter and finally introducing them to our project. I have volunteered as a mentor every year for high school students working on Google Code In and for university students working on Google Summer of Code on projects within our community.

在我的开源之旅中,这意味着要跟踪人们使用Google-我将首先搜索“放射学” +“刚果”,并继续阅读在这些国家/地区工作的人员和组织的信息-在Linkedln和Twitter上与他们联系,最后将他们介绍给我们的项目。 每年,我都会自愿为从事Google Code In工作的高中生和从事Google Summer of Code社区工作的大学生提供指导。

3 months ago, I noticed a tweet introducing the workshop to be held at NIPS 2017 (which turned out to be amazing). I joined the group and here is my introduction:

3个月前,我注意到一条推文介绍了将在NIPS 2017上举行的研讨会中的 (事实证明真是太神奇了)。 我加入了小组,这是我的介绍:

I did not know who would respond — but this email resulted in making wonderful connections to ML scientists in the Bay area — and as a bonus, I obtained feedback for a future project that would have taken years to learn about. Remember, some connections will work and others will not — don’t sweat it.

我不知道会有谁回应-但是这封电子邮件使您与海湾地区的ML科学家建立了良好的联系-而且,作为奖励,我获得了有关未来项目的反馈,该反馈可能需要花费数年的时间才能了解。 请记住,有些连接会起作用,而另一些则不会—不要费劲。

3. 帮助(3. Help!)

There are many channels for getting help on an open source project including Slack channels or IRC:


How/ Where do you start networking? Online networking is easy and lower in cost, but face to face communication is king. For example, at the organized by the Linux foundation, there is a women’s lunch event that is informal, allowing people introduce themselves and the work they do. The Linux foundation is pretty generous in providing comprehensive scholarships for attendees.

如何/从哪里开始联网? 在线网络很容易且成本较低,但是面对面的交流才是王道。 例如,在Linux基金会组织的 ,有一个非正式的女性午餐活动,人们可以自我介绍和从事自己的工作。 Linux基金会非常慷慨地为与会者提供全面的奖学金。

Overall for all conferences, the highest value is theHallway trackIn other words, people you meet in the corridors and stairs and exchange and inspire each other.


4. Git提交 (4. Git commit)

The idea of committing code to the world to see can be pretty terrifying, so is mentorship. Recognize and embrace the vulnerability of people around you

将代码提交给世界看的想法可能非常可怕,指导也是如此。 认识并拥抱周围人的脆弱性

5. 开发1->开发2->开发3 (5. Dev 1 -> Dev 2 -> Dev 3)

Akin to the evolving developer stages for open source development , let your mentorship relationship grow. For example, while the first talk from a minority speaker maybe on diversity, the next natural step should be to give technical talks. Remember this evolution also means that your mentorship relationship will at one point come to an end and its okay.

类似于不断发展的开源开发阶段,让您的指导关系不断发展。 例如,虽然少数派发言人的第一个演讲可能是关于多元化的,但接下来的自然步骤应该是进行技术演讲。 请记住,这种演变也意味着您的导师关系将在某一时刻终结,并且还可以。

6.行为守则 (6. Code of conduct)

Codes of conduct define acceptable behaviors within a community. Seek an environment of safety in your mentorship journey, where you can get honest feedback about your work and where there is room to grow. Also recognize when its time to move on.

行为准则定义了社区内可接受的行为。 在指导过程中寻求安全的环境,在这里您可以得到关于工作的诚实反馈以及有发展空间的地方。 还要认识到何时该继续前进。

7.社会资本 (7. Social capital)

I talk about this again since we geeks love to get free swag or be the volunteer of the month. Use the same principal for your mentors — give a shout out to them when you do something amazing. Reward the mentors in your daily work.

我再说一遍,因为我们极客喜欢免费获得赃物或成为当月的志愿者。 对导师使用相同的委托人—当您做一些令人惊奇的事情时,向他们大喊大叫。 奖励您日常工作中的导师。

8.版本1.0发行->版本2.0发行 (8. Version 1.0 release -> Version 2.0 release)

Remember the relationship with your mentors is always changing. Seek to provide updates to both mentors and mentees — What conference have you recently attended? Did you read a new academic paper or book ? Or is there something new in your personal life? …

请记住,与导师的关系一直在变化。 寻求为导师和受训者提供最新信息—您最近参加了什么会议? 您读过新的学术论文或书吗? 还是您的个人生活中有新事物? …

Have a roadmap, and be agile in tackling your milestones, evaluating what works and what doesn't work. Use version control to manage chaos (and conflict) and be inspired to be amazing !

制定路线图,并敏捷地处理自己的里程碑,评估哪些有效,哪些无效。 使用版本控制来管理混乱(和冲突),并激发灵感!

I recently read an from Babson talking on how to build your village as a mentee.

我最近从巴布森(Babson)那里读了 ,内容涉及如何建立自己的村庄作为受训者。

I love this idea of a personal board with the following membership (copied from Babson article):


  • Chairperson: The person you turn to first; perhaps a spouse or family member

    主持人:您首先找的人; 可能是配偶或家庭成员

  • Zen Master: Someone you can count on to keep you sane and calm


  • Business Guru: A professional peer who knows your craft inside and out


  • Sounding Board: Someone who is wired similarly to you, with a sensibility like your own


  • Devil’s Advocate: A person with a keen ability to reveal opposing perspectives


  • Lifelong Friend: Someone who knows your history and helps you stay true to your values


What are your tricks that have worked for you in mentorship (as a mentor or mentee) … ?



基于snmp 源代码


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